Interface IPermitConfig


  • IPermitConfig


apiContext: ApiContext

represents the current API key authorization level.

apiUrl: string

Configures the URL of the Permit REST API.

axiosInstance: AxiosInstance

an optional custom axios instance, to control the behavior of the HTTP client used to connect to the Permit REST API.

factsSyncTimeout: null | number

The amount of time in seconds to wait for facts to be available in the PDP cache before returning the response.

log: ILoggerConfig

the logger configuration used by the SDK,



multiTenancy: IMultiTenancyConfig

@see: IMultiTenancyConfig

pdp: string

Configures the Policy Decision Point (PDP) address.

proxyFactsViaPdp: boolean

Create facts via the PDP API instead of using the default Permit REST API.

throwOnError: undefined | boolean

whether or not permit.check() will throw on error, or return a default denied decision.

timeout: undefined | number

specifies the number of milliseconds before a permit.check() request times out. If the request takes longer than timeout, the request will be aborted.

token: string

The token (API Key) used for authorization against the PDP and the Permit REST API.

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